Guest’s Concerns, Safety, & Raccoons

When people have problems or concerns, the best possible reaction is to treat it like it’s 100% true and serious until you can prove otherwise.

This guest wrote me late at night because they thought they heard somebody sneaking around the property and they thought they heard somebody near a window.

They called the cops, the cops walked the property with flashlights and saw nothing.

I checked my security cameras and I found the vagrants…2 fat raccoons. Case closed.

Is it possible that somebody could have been outside a window of a property in a good neighborhood even though it’s never happened before ever?

Yes, it is possible, and it would be super shitty of me to act otherwise.

Recently, a friend of mine that hosts a property with a pool had a guest check in and tell him the pool was filled with algae.

He immediately got very upset, because he knew he had just cleaned the pool himself, and there’s no way there was any algae.

Even though he was pretty upset, I told him the best thing to do is go to the property and treat it like it’s a real concern. He shows up to the property and guess what, it’s filled with algae lol. Something occurred that caused it and it ended up being OK after all.

You will just live longer and more peaceful if you treat people’s problems as real until you have evidence that they are not real and which case you can change tactics.


The Goldilocks Problem of Management